Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chapter 7- Putting it all together

Reading this book over the course of the semester has not only made me a better educator but much better in my personal life as well. There were so many great ideas and advice to follow along the way.

Chapter 7 really summed up everything. Leadership is all about relationships. How we are remembered in the end will be a great or poor reflection of how we were perceived and the type of relationships that we had with others. I have too learned the importance of reflection. I liked what Jeff had to say on page 144 " Always remember to think before you speak and act. You don't have to always say or do something immediately. Give it a little thought, determine consequences and reactions, and then respond proactively." This is something that  I have struggled with and will be something I will be continually working on and being more aware of daily.

Great book, great semester and program. Looking forward to the future!

Face to face sessions 11/4-11/5

Fridays session started off with the review of our Credential paperwork done by Dr. Hauser. She is always straight and to the point. I appreciated her being there to walk us through what necessary things we needed to do to obtain our credential.
The panel of people from HR was impressive. I appreciated that there was a representative from Clovis, Sanger and Visalia. It gave us three different perspectives on what different districts are looking for in hiring as well as how to keep out noses clean as a site administrator.
The presentation done by CADA was of a high interest to be since I currently serve as the activities director at my site. It gave me some new strategies on how to do things differently at my site. It made me reflect on how my school was viewed from an outsider and I created a list of things that should be there and I am planning on presenting them to my principal on Monday when I meet with her. The piece about how important Activities is to a school site was heart warming, I just wish all site administrators felt that way. Students do not come to school to take tests, but rather to feel connected to someone or something and that is what Activities is for.
Saturday's Session:
To be honest the first part before lunch was much more interesting. I learned many new things that I did not know about district and site budgets. I had not idea about Prop 98/11 and the court case deciding how much funding goes to each student per school. It was astounding to me that due to our own financial deficit in California less money goes to the schools. The focus should be on preparing students and not taking money away from them because the state did not balance their budget.