Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chapter 7- Putting it all together

Reading this book over the course of the semester has not only made me a better educator but much better in my personal life as well. There were so many great ideas and advice to follow along the way.

Chapter 7 really summed up everything. Leadership is all about relationships. How we are remembered in the end will be a great or poor reflection of how we were perceived and the type of relationships that we had with others. I have too learned the importance of reflection. I liked what Jeff had to say on page 144 " Always remember to think before you speak and act. You don't have to always say or do something immediately. Give it a little thought, determine consequences and reactions, and then respond proactively." This is something that  I have struggled with and will be something I will be continually working on and being more aware of daily.

Great book, great semester and program. Looking forward to the future!


  1. Hi Megan,

    Yes, definitely a lot of valuable information for just everyday life and relationships! We're almost there....yeah for us! Good luck in the next few weeks as you complete assignments, project, etc.


  2. This book was a keeper. I liked how it was written in accessible language. Relationships are really important when it comes to leadership, and maintaining them can make or break a leader.

  3. Hi Megan,

    I really liked the book as well! It was an easy read and very practical in our professional and personal lives. I liked how they gave us two examples for each connector: "a walk on the bright side" and "a walk on the dark side." This was a good strategy to show us what effective leaders do. People will remember you by the relationships you build and maintain and not necessarily by the tasks you complete or whether you met deadlines.

    Take care,
