Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final Blog

Wow!! I never imagined 18 months ago that I would be blogging first off, let alone finishing my last. It will be so relaxing not to have an assignment looming. I feel so blessed to have gone through this program. To be honest and I shared in my Ed. Platform and with a few people in my cohort already that I do not know where I would have been without the program. It kept me going when I did not want to get out of bed in the morning, go to work if for nothing else than I was paying for it and by golly I was going to finish my classes. Thank you to all the professors who saw me in tears,all the classmates that were there to help me and not just on assignments. It was like a family of support and believe it or not I am really going to miss the collaboration and fellowship. I can not say thank you enough.

As for the interview..lets just say I am glad I did not have Mr. Smith from Sanger I would have cried..It was a wonderful experience and very valuable. Thank you Dr. Wise and Dr. Buster for taking the time to organize the interview stimulation. We are all so lucky to have had you as our professors.

Best of luck to everyone!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Final Assignments

I should probably be finishing my Capstone assignment but I am taking a break to blog instead. This semester has been a wild ride with three classes including our Project, trips to Sanger and Clovis. I feel the program and assignments have been worthwhile. The Professional Growth Plan template was very helpful and in reading others blogs I noticed that to be a common trend, thank you Dr. Wise and Dr. Buster. I am still currently working on the Capstone paper, I will most likely finish tomorrow. I always like predicting what is to happen in the future whether it be 5 days or 5 years. I appreciate both assignments and feel they have helped me reflect on myself as well as my school as a whole.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Chapter 7- Putting it all together

Reading this book over the course of the semester has not only made me a better educator but much better in my personal life as well. There were so many great ideas and advice to follow along the way.

Chapter 7 really summed up everything. Leadership is all about relationships. How we are remembered in the end will be a great or poor reflection of how we were perceived and the type of relationships that we had with others. I have too learned the importance of reflection. I liked what Jeff had to say on page 144 " Always remember to think before you speak and act. You don't have to always say or do something immediately. Give it a little thought, determine consequences and reactions, and then respond proactively." This is something that  I have struggled with and will be something I will be continually working on and being more aware of daily.

Great book, great semester and program. Looking forward to the future!

Face to face sessions 11/4-11/5

Fridays session started off with the review of our Credential paperwork done by Dr. Hauser. She is always straight and to the point. I appreciated her being there to walk us through what necessary things we needed to do to obtain our credential.
The panel of people from HR was impressive. I appreciated that there was a representative from Clovis, Sanger and Visalia. It gave us three different perspectives on what different districts are looking for in hiring as well as how to keep out noses clean as a site administrator.
The presentation done by CADA was of a high interest to be since I currently serve as the activities director at my site. It gave me some new strategies on how to do things differently at my site. It made me reflect on how my school was viewed from an outsider and I created a list of things that should be there and I am planning on presenting them to my principal on Monday when I meet with her. The piece about how important Activities is to a school site was heart warming, I just wish all site administrators felt that way. Students do not come to school to take tests, but rather to feel connected to someone or something and that is what Activities is for.
Saturday's Session:
To be honest the first part before lunch was much more interesting. I learned many new things that I did not know about district and site budgets. I had not idea about Prop 98/11 and the court case deciding how much funding goes to each student per school. It was astounding to me that due to our own financial deficit in California less money goes to the schools. The focus should be on preparing students and not taking money away from them because the state did not balance their budget.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Face to Face Sessions 10/21-22

Let me start off by saying that this past Friday and Saturday were very informational. I feel that every part of it was worthwhile. I liked very much the presentation on School Law on Friday night. I do not think that some of the leaders at my site have as much knowledge that I feel I am now equipped with. My AP actually asked me for a copy of the information that we received this weekend because he didn't go through the course work he just took the test. I appreciated having the powerpoint slides while listening to the presentation that evening. There was so much information that was covered and yet I felt like I was able to actually understand and retain it.
Starting Saturday off with Dr. Hauser was so uplifting. I liked how we were in different mixed groups and were working on interactive activities. Her agendas are always followed and she is a perfect example of how to manage a meeting. I appreciated her agenda format that we go to take home and work with people from Clovis as well as Sanger. I also liked that we went over the forms for Graduation and we always know with this program what is expected of us as students." Changing behaviors vs. Punishing Behaviors" I wrote down this quote that Dr. Hauser said during her presentation and it really resonated with me I am going to put it up in my classroom.
 The presentation by Dr. Kevin Torosian was very enlightening. I appreciated with all the presentations in these sessions the "take away" part. The small pamphlet with Ed Code procedures and guidelines is something that I can refer back to when need be. He was a very intelligent, blunt and to the point and I appreciated him not sugar coating anything. I realized that it is ALL about helping kids and that they need to be treated as individuals and not just looked at as Ed. Code violators. It is an issue or Equity and that will not mean that each kid is treated exactly the same every time.
FRISK- Facts, Rule, Impact, Suggestions/Directions for Improvement, Knowledge. I appreciated Dr. Wise showing us examples of what a FRISK letter should look like and the importance of the FACTS!
Lastly the discussion/presentation on the Fullen book. I loved reading this book and applied it to my professional as well as personal life.Dr. Buster said " Change is 3/4th of just letting go and that is the hard part and 1/4th of it is actually moving on." Once leaders/people can let go of the past they will be free to move on and start the change that needs to occur.
Wonderfully insightful weekend. Looking forward to November 4th and 5th.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Just like the book states in the first paragraph "trust is the most important part of any relationship." Wether it is a spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, sibling, friend or co-worker there needs to be an established trust in the relationship. In order to be trusted and to trust others all other leadership connectors must be present, any/all aspects of Communication, Support, Safety, Competence and Continuous Renewal can be questioned if trust is not at the heart of the relationship. If trust is broken it will be imperative that it is quickly and delicately repaired.
I appreciated the section on respecting vs. liking. It is important for a leader to remember that they may not like everyone they work with or who works under them but there needs to be an underlying mutual respect.
Having a caring environment at work is important and I liked the suggestions: Greet everyone you see each day, Use their names when you greet them, refrain from complaining, don't engage in gossip and treat people the way you want to be treated. (126).
Perceived betrayal is just as grave as betrayal and needs to be addressed. I think I highlighted all of the suggestions to avoid betrayal and perceived betrayal and I will say that I used some of it today in dealing with a personal matter that has been lingering and it worked. Of the suggestions I personally liked: Never talk negatively about anyone, THINK BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH(in all caps because this is so very important and something that I am really working on). Stay away from negative people, their problems, their messes and ugliness, Don't share your personal problems at work. Never lie and apologize.
This book for me has not only helped me in my place of work but also in my personal life, I have greatly appreciated reading it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Continuous Renewal

This chapter I felt was speaking to me. It was about leadership but it was also a good chapter on anyone who is going through changes wether it be at work or in their personal life. First off to pick ones battles is something that any and every good leader needs to learn how to do. The importance of reflection at the end of the day to write down the good things as well as the bad things. Remember that each day will bring new things and focusing on the good and working to not repeat the bad is something to work on. I agree wholeheartedly that emotions cause people to do things that they regret. I have had that happen to me and I think it is important to note and rember the 10 things to help control emotions:
1) Identify what makes you happy
2)Determine what pushes your buttons
3) Engage in dialogue and reflection w/a trusted friend
4) Consider attending conferences
5) Concentrate on your own professional development
6) Take a walk
7) Be conscious of your attitude + thinking and pro active behaviors are powerful
8) Find the good
9) Be patient
10) Focus on organization

Lastly is is critical to keep oneself healthy and not let the stress any job or life situation endanger your health. Also surrounding yourself with friends and family when important decisions need to be made is something that has helped me through the toughest times in my life.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Having competence as a leader is something that is so important. The quote at the beginning of the chapter sums it up for me " A competent leader can get efficiency service from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops" Pershing. If a leader is competent they will be able to lead even the weakest of teachers but if they are not eventually even the best of teachers will be worn down.
I appreciated the section of " I didn't know that!". I agree that if you do not know something you should admit it and find out the correct answer, playing dumb will not work in the long run for any effective leader. Self-efficacy as a leader and better yet as a person is so very important. The ability to know how capable you are of completing a task and attaining a goal is vital to success. You will not always get it right every time but eventually you will learn from the mistakes and successes you have made and work through them.
"Gaining competence as a leader is not as clear-cut as gaining competence as a teacher" (84). As a leader there will be no day exactly the same. Being Activities Director I see it all the time and now that it is my fourth year I am finally adjusting it is not an easy task. It is much easier to teach the standards and prepare lesson plans it is difficult to not know what to plan for at any given time.
I will remember the following for the future in administrative success:
- Social/Emotional
_ Reflection
- Systemic Thinking
- Learning Theory
- Methodology
- Organization/Prioritization
- Shared Vision

Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog #4 Safety

Being Activities Director we operate under Leppicks Laws and the number one rule is to make sure that every event is safe. Like communication and support, safety is something that will allow a staff and student group feel free to learn because all the issues of safety are taken care of. As Hensely puts it " As humans we need to feel physically, emotionally, and psychologically safe to live our lives." (53). When we feel safe we can feel free to think about complex things and we are better able to reflect.
A school culture need to help students and staff feel connected to ones school site. When students and staff feel safe and feel they are a part of something their full potential can be better reached. It is sad to think that the awful events that happened at Columbine and Virginia Tech, among other schools that made students and staff feel uneasy about coming to school. School should be a safe environment. No one should feel afraid or unsafe to go to school, when those feelings are going on students can not be expected to learn at their full potential.
The section on bully behavior was very eye opening. " When a bully is at work, creativity, enthusiasm, self-efficacy, and collegiality decline. Compliance, hesitation, self-doubt, and isolation arise. " (57). This quote sums up what happens at any job or team or social event when someone is exhibiting a bully like behavior.
I liked the section about consistency. Routines and procedures are very important for students and staff alike. It is important to know what is expected of a person when they get to school. However, some rule and procedures need to be a little more flexible. Discipline needs to be an opportunity for teaching, not just giving out punishments.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Chapter 2- Support

"Support is a basic need" according to Hensley. Id also add on that it is a basic need that slowly fades by the middle to end of the year at some schools. The school year starts out with good intentions and eventually some things fall by the way side and often that is support or at least the feeling of being supported. When there is support at a school site teachers, office clerks, grounds crew, cafeteria staff as well as leaders are more connected to the school. Support helps to develop a sense and feeling of belonging. Life is hard enough as it is, no one wants to have to go to work and not feel supported on top of everything else. According to Hensley support at a school site is also making sure that teachers are able to give students the basics. She relates it to a surgeon, " we expect the surgeon and everyone else at the hospital to have what they need. We should expect the same in every school across the nation." These sentences really stood out to me, not only should we expect it we should fight for it. So often the needs of staff are overlooked but it really says something about a school when the students needs are not being met. Something has to be done about that.
As a leader at a school site one day I realize that I will need to be able to answer the tough questions about budget and expenses at any given time. In reading this chapter I see that sharing the budget with staff and allowing them to be a part of the process would allow staff to "collectively own the budget". It was a great idea and sharing where the money goes should be a collective process.

There are always people that we will not get along with, some personalities do not mix well. A principal is not always liked, yet needs to show support to his or her staff. That seems like a lot to ask a person to give and support even when you are not supported in return. I thought it reassuring to read on page 35 regarding this and Hensley states " the leader sets the tone". This is so true and I am sure much harder than it sounds. However, at the end of the day the way the leader sets the tone will determine how the staff reacts and deals with things to come. The leader needs to always remember he/she is the example.

I don't know how many times throughout this program I have heard or read that as a leader it is critical to be visible at your school site. Between the calls, e-mails, parents, teachers and anything else to tend to a site leader needs to be visible to students as well as staff throughout the school day. It will help with discipline as well as a feeling of support to staff.
Support like communication are vital for a successful school site.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog Post #2- Leadership Connectors Ch 1 Communication

Good communication is critical for a school to function properly. From the Principal to teachers, office staff as well as janitors and groundskeepers communication is key for student success. I never really thought about how important communication was until it wasn't, by reading this chapter in Leadership Connectors it reminded me of the importance again. Its not just what is said but it is the written, verbal as well as nonverbal communication that speak volumes to a staff and student body. Non verbal communication I feel is about as important as verbal. If a principal is trying to get a message across to his/her staff and she sounds excited yet her body language is saying other wise; staff will pick up on it.
Being able to write well is very important but if you write well and can not spell the message can be lost. Instead of talking about what the e-mail/newsletter said those who read it will be more focused on the spelling errors and may miss the entire message.
When problems arise at a school site it will be important to frame the issue properly to staff. Depending on how it is framed the "problem" will hopefully be seen as a challenge or opportunity for some. Being able to reframe is also key to problem solving instead on focusing on what did not work the focus can be on building on what did or is working. Its all about perception and keeping the vision and purpose alive.
Lastly in reading the section on consensus building I found it interesting that the author added in "sometimes administrators appear to engage in consensus building...knowing they are going to do what they want to do anyways." I have felt that way in a staff meeting before and it was not a good feeling it made me mad that we were wasting time by our leaders pretending to give us a voice when they already had their mind made up. I know I was not the only one who felt that way about it either. I feel an administrator at a school needs to be a little transparent and open and honest with staff that will go over much better than pretending to care because the teachers will see right through it.
Communication if used properly is a large tool fostering success at many levels at a school site. If there is poor communication the cracks will slowly start to show and there will be more problems to come in the future.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blog Post #1-First Face to Face Meeting

It was so nice to finally be able to put a name with a face at the first 269 meeting in Clovis. Out here in Visalia in our cohort of five we have been a bit isolated. The past two classes have been online and it was nice to meet and see people that we had been communicating via blackboard with.
Overall I enjoyed the first face to face session. I liked that it was interactive and we were not just sitting listening to a powerpoint for the duration of the meeting. It was interesting to have three professors there and get to hear different perspectives on a topic.
What really stuck with me even weeks after the meeting was when I believe Dr. Buster said " Don't confuse your title with being a leader". Sometimes as educators the title is more important than what we are actually doing as leaders and that can not be confused. I really appreciated listening to the years of wisdom by all three professors on Wednesday August 24th. I look forward to an intellectually challenging course for my last semester.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Hi everyone this is Megan Rinaldi. I am in my 4th year at Golden West High School in Visalia. I serve as the Activities Director and a Social Science Teacher. I am looking forward to a wonderful last semester of my Masters Degree. With the degree and credential I hope to one day be an assistant principal at a middle school or high school. Id also like to possibly work at the JC level and or teach an intro level teaching class like EHD 50 at FSU somewhere. Look forward to seeing you all throughout the school semester. Here is to a wonderful and swift semester!