Sunday, October 9, 2011

Continuous Renewal

This chapter I felt was speaking to me. It was about leadership but it was also a good chapter on anyone who is going through changes wether it be at work or in their personal life. First off to pick ones battles is something that any and every good leader needs to learn how to do. The importance of reflection at the end of the day to write down the good things as well as the bad things. Remember that each day will bring new things and focusing on the good and working to not repeat the bad is something to work on. I agree wholeheartedly that emotions cause people to do things that they regret. I have had that happen to me and I think it is important to note and rember the 10 things to help control emotions:
1) Identify what makes you happy
2)Determine what pushes your buttons
3) Engage in dialogue and reflection w/a trusted friend
4) Consider attending conferences
5) Concentrate on your own professional development
6) Take a walk
7) Be conscious of your attitude + thinking and pro active behaviors are powerful
8) Find the good
9) Be patient
10) Focus on organization

Lastly is is critical to keep oneself healthy and not let the stress any job or life situation endanger your health. Also surrounding yourself with friends and family when important decisions need to be made is something that has helped me through the toughest times in my life.


  1. You've got one of the toughest jobs in education. If you foul up as an activity director, virtually everyone knows. How do you manage the high level of stress in your job? What are your biggest learnings?

  2. Being the Activities Director is a challenging and rewarding job. When I was hired I had no clue the extent of the job. I am not usually a front and center person, so being Act. Director has brought about many challenges and learning experiences. I have learned to handle my stress level over the past four years being in activities. I have had to realize that not everyone will be happy every time. My goal is to please the majority and work on the minority. Things will never be perfect but as long as at the end of the day I can look at myself in the mirror and know I did my best that is all I can ask for. I have learned a great deal about myself through reflection. A great stress reliever for me is to run, bike, lift weights basically any gym time I can fit in I do.
    Since the job is so "front and center" as I like to call it I have had to learn to keep my cool and think before I just blurt out something I will regret. I have to work closely with staff and administration while working with the smartest kids on campus it is ever changing and I am learning as I go.

  3. Hi Megan,

    Dr. Wise posed some great questions. Sometimes I wonder how you get everything done while teaching classes and being the in Master's program?! I like your positive attitude when you said that everyday will bring new things and hopefully we learn from the things that didn't go so well. I try to take one day at a time so I don't get too overwhelmed. Taking good care of ourselves is an important reminder.
